Autumn Equinox

The equinox is the beginning of fall in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of spring in the southern hemisphere. The word equinox means ‘equal night’. So on September 22nd, the official day of the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere for 2022, we will have an almost equal amount of day and night. It is said the sun is above the horizon for 12 hours.

The fall represents the time the farmers traditionally harvest their crops, and it can mean the time you harvest from your own garden, too. 

Spiritually speaking, how could the harvest be represented in all of our lives?

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History tells us the ancients celebrated the equinoxes for centuries, along with the other celestial movements of the sun. In fact, according to the Farmers Almanac, Stonehenge was built specifically with the equinoxes and solstices in mind. Other historic monoliths include the structure at Machu Picchu in Peru, Intihuatana (in·ti·hu·atana), which means ‘Hitching Post of the Sun’, and the Chichen Itza in Mexico where it appears a snake of light slithers down the pyramid’s steps.

The ancients always had rituals and celebrations around the seasons as it literally meant life or death to them. Honoring the gods, being present in the moment, and feeling and understanding the connection between Mother Earth and themselves was cause for recognition and honoring this deeper message and journey. The journey we take within ourselves.

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We all go through cycles of growth, harvest, death, and rebirth just as we see in nature. It’s important to all of us to honor the relationship between Mother Earth, the Divine, and ourselves. 

Traditionally, the fall equinox is the time of year we set up our internal space and make room for what is to come. It is all about equality...the balance of day and night, the balance of purpose for humanity, balance of nature and the cosmos, and we, too, must come into balance. So, we should clear out what no longer has purpose in our lives. We ready ourselves for the rest that comes with winter.

We will lay dormant and should not make major changes to our lives. During winter we contemplate what we would like to bring into our lives; we become creative by becoming quiet and listen to what our inner voice (not our inner critic) is trying to say.

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To solidify our choices, to embrace spirituality in full, we could honor it with a ritual. To help you get started, I gathered and created some for you. 


  1. Clear out your house. 

    1. Give away what you don’t need. If you’ve not touched it in a year, you don’t need it (unless it’s a Halloween costume). It is abundance for someone else.

    2. Then sage your space when you’re done clearing out the excess.

    3. Light a white candle, give thanks, and speak your gratitude for all that you are and all that you have.

  2. Create and use a gratitude journal or jar.

    1. If you have kids, have them help you decorate it, and ask for their input into what they’re grateful for.

    2. This can be a solo activity.

    3. You decide how long you want to spend on it - a week, a month, a year, etc.

What ritual or activity will you do?


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