Embodying the Journey from Equinox to Solstice: A Sacred Pause for Reflection
It is often said that wisdom comes with age. But why is that? Is it because we slow down, or is it because we gain the luxury of reflection—when we remember to pause? I embrace this now: reflection is not a privilege reserved for elders but a universal gift. It is available to everyone, regardless of age or experience.
This realization emerged as Source encouraged me to journey into my inner landscape, beginning with the Autumnal Equinox. This journey, steeped in the practice of InnerNourish, is a call to embrace activities that genuinely support and sustain me. (InnerNourish is a process of tending to oneself holistically—body, mind, spirit, and emotion—aligning our inner world with our external reality. Please share your thoughts in the comments if you’d like to explore this further.)
As I leaned into this guidance, the irony became undeniable. The Equinox, a time of balance and transition, invites us to embrace nature’s rhythm. It heralds a shift in the Tapestry of Life, urging our 3D selves to align with what the Earth guides us to experience. Yet, I had often overlooked the duality inherent in this season—the balance of light and dark, activity and stillness, harvest and letting go.
I now see the importance of harvesting and preserving the traditions and activities we’ve cultivated, placing them in a sacred container for discernment. As we move into the Fall Equinox, we must evaluate whether these practices remain aligned with who we are becoming. This intentional process spans the period from the Equinox to the Winter Solstice, which I now recognize as the "Sacred Darkness."
The Sacred Darkness: A Time of Transformation
Source has shown me that this "Sacred Darkness" is not merely a backdrop for holiday cheer but a critical phase of deep reflection and transformation. This period impacts our ability, desire, and analytical skills in sacred reflection. As the days grow shorter, the increasing darkness invites us inward, affecting us on all planes of existence—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
I resisted this descent into darkness for years, tethered to the societal imperative to embody perpetual happiness during the holiday season. Anything less felt like selfishness. But this season, Source has revealed a more profound truth: the Darkness is necessary. It is an invitation to Stillness, where we can hear, see, and integrate the subtle messages from our Helping Beings. It is a time to allow Source to terraform our inner world, preparing us for the next phase of our existence.
The Hermit’s Wisdom
I call this time "Hermiting." It is a deliberate slowing down, a Sacred Pause to commune with Stillness. Hermiting asks us to sit with ourselves, to listen deeply, and to integrate microscopic pieces of wisdom. This practice requires courage, as it often brings us face-to-face with intense revelations. Yet, it is through this introspection that we prepare for renewal.
The Winter Solstice, the Longest Night, marks the culmination of this period. It may be a time of profound pain or deep reflection, yet it also carries the promise of light. With the Solstice comes the gradual return of longer days, a reminder that darkness is not permanent but a precursor to growth and renewal.
Solstice Awakening: Embracing the Light’s Return
Emerging into the Light
As the Light begins to return, we step into a phase of gentle emergence. The days following the Solstice invite us to introduce our newly aligned selves to the ever-brightening world. This is a time to honor our transformation, celebrating the integration of wisdom gained in the Darkness.
By the time we reach the Spring Equinox, with its balance of day and night, we find ourselves standing in the brilliance of the Sun and the unwavering support of Mother Earth. Here, we are invited to examine and celebrate our evolution, knowing we have been guided every step of the way.
Your Journey Matters
If you, too, have felt the call to reflect, pause, or embrace the Sacred Darkness, know that you are not alone. This Healing Journey is one we share; your experiences are valuable and essential. Please feel free to share your reflections in the comments—your insights may inspire others to honor their journey.
Together, we grow, transform, and step into the Light. Your journey, reflections, and insights are all part of this collective transformation. You are not just a part of this journey but an integral and significant part of it.