Winter Solstice ~ TO ~ Shadow Work

Hello, return of the Sun! 

Wait, what?

Tonight is the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and the countdown to Spring officially begins tomorrow.

This brings a smile to my face; I am a sun girl and prefer warmer weather.

But I can’t escape the fact that this is also the first day of Winter and it is the Winter Solstice.

I couldn’t suppress that little shiver as I thought of winter. 

I admit it; I am a Snow Wimp. Yes, I capitalized that…I wear that label.

However, Winter is a necessary season for all of us. The earth, Mother Earth, is dormant through this season. It’s a necessary time for plants, bugs, and animals; it helps keep nature in balance. It’s an automatic process like hearts beating and breathing.

These events just happen; it’s programmed into everything except people. People have to make a conscious decision and then expend effort to achieve it.

I call this an intentional Sacred Pause. During this pause special things happen to keep nature in balance, and we must emulate it.

I believe the energy of Winter is a time to go within. This is a perfect time, after the holidays, to do some of our own Shadow Work. If we follow all of Mother Earth’s seasonal cycles, our own personal growth cycles will be enhanced.

What is Shadow Work? This is processing the emotions contained in our Shadow Self through self-exploration or led by a healer. 

Our Shadow Self is a virtual multi-level container that holds our emotions around the wounds we’ve experienced in our lives. These emotions are uncomfortable, cause us to feel that we’re lacking, and we just don’t want to go there. More often than not, we deny its existence.

If we have light, we must have darkness. Our Shadow Self, our own personal darkness, isn’t something to be feared. If we don’t embrace it and acknowledge it is part of us, we cut ourselves off from the blessings it does bring. 

There is a process and an art in doing our Shadow Work. In its workings is the understanding that it can be the starting point for personal growth and transformation, as long as we do not let it overwhelm us.

For today, I wish you many blessings as you celebrate the coming of the light from without, and I encourage you to embrace your personal light by going within. I encourage you to participate in my offer below.

I am holding a free 5 Day Shadow Work Experiential from January 23rd through 27th, 2023 to guide your journey of healing. There are virtual meetings scheduled each day to discuss the work done. To cover the multiple time zones, there may be two offered; one in the morning and one in the evening. 

Please reach out to me if you’re interested. Enrollment will close on Friday, January 13th.


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