SoulJourney Academy Offerings

Reiki I Class

Reiki I awakens you to your healing abilities and true nature.
(Divine Self, Higher Self, Godself)

  • Please view the calendar below for current classes.

    Are you interested in attending a Reiki class? Let us know! We'll create a class as soon as enough people sign up.

  • $150 USD for 6 Hour Class

    $50 USD Deposit is required upon class confirmation.

Reiki II Class

Reiki II deepens one’s healing abilities and spiritual connection, as well as one's understandings and realizations about one's true self, what is truth, and what is true reality.

  • Please view the calendar below for current classes.

    Are you interested in attending a Reiki class? Let us know! We'll create a class as soon as enough people sign up.

  • $200 USD for 6 Hour Class

    $50 USD Deposit is required upon class confirmation.

Reiki III Class

Reiki III is becoming a master practitioner of healing and spiritual mastery.

  • Please view the calendar below for current classes.

    Are you interested in attending a Reiki class? Let us know! We'll create a class as soon as enough people sign up.

  • $275 USD for 6 Hour Class

    $50 USD Deposit is required upon class confirmation.

Healing from Within: Mastering Self I-Dentity Ho’oponopono Workshop

Discover the transformative power of Self I-Dentity Ho’oponopono in this practical, hands-on workshop. Based on the teachings of Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale, you’ll learn profound healing techniques to clear negative energy and restore balance in your life. This workshop empowers you to become the first line of defense in your healing journey, equipping you with simple yet effective practices to enrich your Healing Basket and support long-term transformation. Get ready to unlock a deeper connection with yourself and take your healing process to the next level!

  • Please view the calendar below for current workshop offerings.

    Are you interested in attending a workshop? Once we have at least four participants, we can schedule a workshop.

  • TBD