EmpowerME Nexus

Individual Healing Sessions

in the

I Choose Me!™️ Platform

EmpowerME Nexus: One-on-One Support

EmpowerME Nexus is an arm of the "I Choose Me!™️" platform dedicated to providing personalized one-on-one support to address personal trauma and foster profound growth.

Through compassionate and individualized guidance, our practitioners help you navigate challenges, uncover inner resilience, and embark on a transformative journey toward empowerment. Choosing oneself means recognizing your worth and prioritizing your healing, laying the foundation for lasting change.

Our approach integrates the 4 Noble Truths and the Infinite Healing Principles, providing a comprehensive and holistic path to healing.

Experience Personalized Healing and Growth

  1. Initial Consultation: A comprehensive assessment to understand your unique needs and set goals for your healing journey.

  2. Customized Healing Plan: A personalized plan incorporating the 4 Noble Truths and Infinite Healing Principles alongside various therapeutic modalities such as EFT, hypnotherapy, and intuitive guidance.

  3. Ongoing Support: Regular sessions to track progress, adjust the healing plan, and provide continuous support.

  • Personal Trauma Healing Sessions

By prioritizing one's healing through the "I Choose Me!™️" platform, individuals can apply the 4 Noble Truths in the following ways:

  • Finding the Cessation of Suffering: Embrace the possibility of ending suffering by cultivating emotional resilience and fostering a sense of purpose and meaning. Our programs are designed to guide you toward realizing your potential for healing and transformation, empowering you to let go of past pain and look forward to a brighter future.

  • Following the Eightfold Path: Engage in holistic wellness practices, connect the mind and body, and participate in our support community. The "I Choose Me!™️" platform offers a clear path to healing, with services and programs designed to promote growth, adaptability, and lifelong learning.

  • Curriculum Based on the 4 Noble Truths

  • Understanding Suffering: Recognize and acknowledge the presence of suffering in one's life. Our practitioners facilitate this first step in the healing journey, helping clients identify and understand their pain and trauma.

  • Identifying the Causes of Suffering: Through self-awareness and empowerment, you can explore the root causes of suffering, whether emotional wounds, past traumas, or hidden disabilities. Our tailored support is designed to help you uncover these underlying issues, putting you in control of your healing process.

  • Integration of the Infinite Healing Principles

  • Principle 1: Holistic Wellness

    Embracing a comprehensive approach to health, addessing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

  • Principle 2: Self-Awareness and Empowerment

    Cultivatng mindfunss and self-awarenes to understnd and empower your inner self.

  • Principle 3: Mind-Body Connection

    Exploring the mind-body connection through mindfulness and somatic practices.

  • Principle 4: Emotional Resilience

    Building the ability to thrive in the face of life’s challenges through mindfulness and holistic practices.

  • Principle 5: Purpose and Meaning

    Aligning with your deeper purpose fosters a sense of fulfillment and guides you toward a more meaningful, enriched life.

  • Principle 6: Connection and Community

    Nurturing relationships and community ties to support your healing journey.

  • Principle 7: Growth Mindset and Adaptability

    Adopting a mindset of continuous growth and flexibility in the face of change.

  • Principle 8: Lifelong Learning and Evolution

    Dedicating yourself to continuous learning and growth to evolve throughout your life.

  • Holistic Wellness Coaching

  • Mind-Body Connection: Sessions that explore the connection between physical and emotional health, utilizing practices like mindfulness and somatic therapy.

  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Guidance on making lifestyle changes that support holistic wellness, including nutrition, exercise, and self-care routines.

  • Spiritual Guidance and Support

  • Intuitive Insights: Sessions that incorporate spiritual guidance to help you connect with your inner wisdom and higher self.

  • Shamanic Healing: Ancient healing practices to cleanse and balance your energy, fostering spiritual growth and clarity.

The EmpowerME Nexus

Step into the EmpowerMe Nexus, a profound space dedicated to learning, healing, empowerment, and growth.

Mission and Vision

Our mission is crystal clear: We empower survivors of trauma and hidden disabilities through intimate programs grounded in the Infinite Healing Principles. These programs guide you through releasing shame, cultivating profound healing, and rediscovering your identity. With the guidance of experienced mentors and tailored support, you'll transform your narrative and embrace a life of self-realization and limitless possibilities.

Our transformative programs, suitable for individuals and micro-groups of no more than four, nurture your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Here, you'll weave the Infinite Healing Principles into your life, embracing vitality, resilience, clarity, and connection. This journey will elevate your being and unlock your untapped potential.

Our vision is equally powerful - we aim to bring lasting change to the lives of survivors.

We envision a world where individuals overcome past traumas and embody healing and personal growth. Survivors cultivate resilience, authenticity, and empowerment in individual and micro-group settings, becoming beacons of positive change.

We aspire to contribute to a society that values healing journeys, embraces personal development, and weaves a shared story of strength and hope. Our vision extends to a world where everyone discovers and harnesses their potential to create meaningful, enduring change.

Each session provides a safe, supportive space to explore and heal your inner wounds. We aim to empower you to reclaim your strength, embrace your authenticity, and live a fulfilling life.

$497 Introductory Price*

8-Session Package

Individually Crafted Sessions

Virtual OR In-Person Settings

Pricing Information

What lies at the heart of trauma-informed care?

The essence of trauma-informed care is to create an environment where we avoid inadvertently causing someone to re-experience their past trauma. It means not replicating the circumstances that led to a person's earlier trauma, allowing them to heal and grow. This approach views the individual as a complete being, not defined by their past trauma.

Instead of asking, "What's wrong with you?" it asks,
"What has happened to you?"

Darcey incorporates trauma-informed methods into her healing practice, providing a safe, empathetic space for healing and growth.