Divine Feminine, International Women’s Day, and the Age of Aquarius

International Women's Day has been celebrated on March 8th since the mid-1900s, but its origins go back to the female textile workers who protested unfair working conditions in New York City in 1857. Over time, this day gained recognition, and in 1975, the United Nations officially marked March 8 as International Women's Day. The intention was to celebrate and honor women, even in a world where the rise of women was sometimes seen as the fall of men.

Fast forward to 2001, when the International Women's Day website was launched. This marked a pivotal historical moment as we entered the Age of Aquarius, a time of higher consciousness and unity. First-world countries began to expect diversity, equity, and inclusion, but this perspective only sometimes encompasses marginalized populations.

The website emphasizes using your voice and power on International Women's Day to further the gender agenda and make positive gains for women and girls worldwide. However, more must be done, especially in the spiritual Age of Aquarius realm.

In this age, human consciousness evolves to a higher understanding of truth and reality. Technology connects us better, promoting equality without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, age, or socioeconomic status. Collaboration and connection become paramount.

If these ideas resonate with you, it's time to activate and nurture the Divine Feminine within, regardless of your gender. The Divine Feminine represents fertility, creativity, and intuition, energies that can heal the mind, body, and spirit. To embrace this energy, examine yourself honestly and holistically to find the best balance.

Define yourself as the unique being you are, distinct from societal expectations. Treat yourself as the precious being you are, entrusted with the care of your well-being. Vibrate frequently through prayer and meditation, connecting with the higher power within.

The Age of Aquarius invites us to honor our existence, grow through knowledge and curiosity, and foster collaboration with like-minded individuals. By nurturing the Divine Feminine, we can bring balance and healing to ourselves and, eventually, to the world.




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