Take a Time Out!
“Time Out” is on my mind this morning.
I worked in the Early Childhood Education field for over eight years in various positions, of course, Teacher being one of them.
To some, ‘Time Out’ has a negative connotation, but in truth, it gives the child time to regulate his/her emotions in their own way in their own time. It gives them control over a part of their lives when they perceive little control.
I’m not here to debate the efficacy of Time Outs in an #ECE setting but to propose you take a look at the concept and how it could enhance your life.
Yes, I said #enhance.
If I applied a #timeout to myself with #intentions, I would gift myself 62 minutes of self-reflection, #Introspection, Zen #meditation, possibly my Marble Technique, and would be open to #expansion.
An intentional Time Out can be experienced anywhere and any length of time.
You’ll find me most mornings since November ‘walking’ while my tea steeps. The why behind the #walking may be in another post.
I’ve embraced this time as my ‘Time Out’ or my ‘Sacred Pause’.
It is my time to connect with #creator and all my #helpingspirits. It’s my time to welcome expansion and unconditional love from #source.
Today, I was #blessed with rapid problem-solving to an issue I didn’t know I had. It was definitely a Notice That moment.
A vague issue came across my awareness that lacked a container. My helping spirits identified the issue, #empowered my awareness of the action needed and reminded me I had the container at the ready.
This happened in 30 seconds of a 8-minute walk.
What can you experience in your Time Out?
Musings of a Modern Medicine Woman