Unity Collective

an arm of the

I Choose Me!™️ Platform

Group Healing Session

Healing from trauma and hidden disabilities can be isolating and overwhelming. Yet, there's an often-overlooked route to recovery: joining a healing support group.

These groups provide a potent means to conquer challenges and boost resilience.

You Are Not Alone:

One of the most comforting aspects of joining a healing support group is the almost immediate sense of belonging. It's a place where your struggles are not only understood but shared. Trauma survivors often feel isolated and misunderstood, but within a group, you'll find others who have faced similar challenges. This sense of belonging is invaluable and can make you feel accepted and understood.

Shared Empathy:

Healing support groups create a space where empathy flows freely. Members understand the depth of your pain because they've walked similar paths. This shared compassion is not just a concept; it's a tangible feeling that fosters a strong sense of connection and support. You'll feel genuinely cared for and supported in this environment.

Reduced Isolation:

Healing in isolation can exacerbate loneliness and despair. Group participation combats this isolation by providing a sense of community. It's a place to share your experiences openly without fear of judgment.

Collective Wisdom:

You'll encounter a wealth of collective wisdom within a healing support group. Members share their coping strategies, insights, and success stories, offering a treasure trove of knowledge that can significantly aid your healing journey. This collective wisdom is not just informative; it's empowering and can give you hope for your healing journey.

Accelerated Healing:

The collective energy of a group often accelerates the healing process. By actively participating and being surrounded by individuals actively working on their recovery, you can inspire yourself to confront your pain and trauma more directly.

Improved Mental Health:

Studies have consistently shown that group healing can significantly improve mental health. It can help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other emotional challenges.

Higher Resilience:

Participating in group healing can help you develop higher levels of resilience. Learning from the experiences of others, gaining insights into various coping strategies, and sharing your journey can improve your ability to face life's challenges.

A Safe Space for Growth:

Healing support groups provide a safe and non-judgmental space for growth. You can explore your pain, confront your trauma, and work through your emotions at your own pace, supported by compassionate peers.

Building Lifelong Connections:

Many healing support groups foster lasting connections among members. These connections extend beyond the group sessions, offering ongoing support and a network of individuals who truly understand you.

Embrace Healing Through Community

Participating in a healing support group is not just about addressing your pain; it's about embracing a supportive community that can empower you to heal, grow, and thrive. Whether you've experienced trauma, adversity, or hidden disabilities, remember that you don't have to face these challenges alone. Joining a healing support group may be crucial to a brighter, more resilient future.

Our Mission:

The Unity Collective is a unique sanctuary born from shared experiences and the depths of trauma. Here, survivors unite to create a community of safety, care, and acceptance, offering a distinct healing experience.

In the Unity Collective, survivors find empathy and inner strength. We navigate the path of the Infinite Healing Principles and the 4 Noble Truths as a community of kindred souls united in our resolve to break free from the shadows of silence and shame. We create heartfelt connections that foster healing and personal growth by coming together.

Unity Collective Cohorts

Our weekly small group sessions, limited to 8 participants, prioritize creating a safe and non-judgmental environment are our Cohorts. Confidentiality, respect, and active listening are our core principles. We begin with introductions and check-ins, allowing everyone to share their emotions openly. Feedback is shared only after a member has finished their share and consents to receive it.

What to Expect:

  • Holistic Well-being: Insights, meditation practices, and guidance to connect with your inner self and explore the spiritual dimensions of your healing journey.

  • Respectful Conversations: In an open, respectful, and enriching environment, discuss relationships, healing, personal growth, and more.

  • Intentions and Goals: Collaborative goal-setting towards the end of each session, helping you translate insights into actionable steps for your daily life.

Survivors, your stories are not isolated; they are threads in the tapestry of healing. Take action, reclaim your power, prioritize self-care, and embrace personal transformation. Together, we break the chains of silence and shame, facilitating profound healing. Your story matters—let's rewrite it together.

Per Session — $10

8 - 10 Sessions Per Quarter

Max of 8 People Per Cohort (Group)

Virtual OR In-Person Settings

Pricing Information

The essence of trauma-informed care is to create an environment where we avoid inadvertently causing someone to re-experience their past trauma. It means not replicating the circumstances that led to a person's earlier trauma, allowing them to heal and grow. This approach views the individual as a complete being, not defined by their past trauma.

What lies at the heart of trauma-informed care?

Instead of asking, "What's wrong with you?" it asks,
"What has happened to you?"

Darcey incorporates trauma-informed methods into her healing practice, providing a safe, empathetic space for healing and growth.